Shaka One LLC is a Veteran-Owned small business that specializes in residential remodeling and restoration, flooring, painting, ground and facility maintenance. Our priority is to focus on delivering top-notch services to government agencies and corporate entities. We pride ourselves on offering superior, tailored services that cater to our clients’ diverse needs, covering a broad spectrum of projects from initial concept to final execution. Our team consists of highly experienced craftsman and adept subcontractors, bringing a distinct and innovative perspective to our clientele.

Business Overview

POC Christian Solaita     UEI TZ78QFFFTTJ8   CAGE  9NRG0                                          ADDRESS 4030 Wake Forest Rd. Suite 349, Raleigh, NC 27609                                    Office (919) 267-3349


Key Differentiators


Past Performance

Raeford, NC

Removal/Installing new flooring; Interior Painting

Sanford, NC

Remodel of a historical single-family residence for resale.

Fayetteville, NC

Complete remodel of a single-family residence for resale